Bills explained that FASA had sued Playmates over the use of images owned by FASA, but received no compensation, even though Playmates was ordered to stop using the images in question. Under license from them, the Classic BattleTech line developer for Fantasy Productions, Randall N. No official broke the silence until 2007, after FASA had sold the BattleTech intellectual property to WizKids Games. In later years FASA abandoned these images, and it was common speculation by fans that the decision was the result of a lawsuit brought against them by Playmates and Harmony Gold over the use of said images. The visual design of the earliest line of BattleMechs were taken from Macross and other anime, including many signature images. Their name was changed to BattleMechs in the second edition because George Lucas and Lucasfilm claimed the rights to the term ' droid'. A Shadow Hawk BattleMech from the cover of the Japanese edition of BattleTechĬhicago-based FASA Corporation's original, 1984 BattleTech game focuses on enormous robotic, semi-humanoid battle machines called BattleDroids.